July 2023 | Here's what's happened in the last month.
Get Exclusive Access to the Global Internet Resilience Index
We're given our newsletter subscribers access to the Global Internet Resilience Index (IRI) ahead of its launch next week.
While the original version only tracked Internet Resilience for Africa, this new iteration will allow you to track Internet resilience for more than 170 countries.
No End in Sight for Ongoing Service-Blocking Shutdowns in Myanmar, Russia, and Iran
Earlier this month, Ethiopian authorities ended the service blocking shutdown that it ordered on 9 February 2023, following tensions between the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahdo Church and the government.
Since 2019, Pulse has recorded 68 service-based shutdown incidents affecting 29 countries. During this time, Ethiopian authorities have imposed the seventh and ninth-longest service-blocking shutdown orders, as shown in the figure below.
Myanmar has suffered through the biggest service-blocking shutdown event we’ve measured thus far, one which is still ongoing since its 2 February 2021 start.
Other ongoing service-blocking shutdowns that currently rank second and fourth longest are those being carried out by authorities in the Russian Federation (ongoing since 28 February 2022) and the Islamic Republic of Iran (ongoing since 20 September 2022). If the latter orders continue into September, it will surpass the third longest, 367-day service-blocking shutdown imposed by the Türkiye government between October 2019 and October 2020.
Iraq, 1 Jun - 17 July: The government of Iraq orders another 10 exam-related shutdowns for the month. Each shutdown occurred on the morning of a planed national curriculum from 4am to 8:30am. Iraq has ordered 23 exam-related shutdowns since 1 June.
Ethiopia, 9 Feb - 16 July: The government recently lifted its 158-day national service blocking shutdown.
India, 3 May - Ongoing: On 25 July, the government ordered for a partial lift on the enforced Internet shutdown in the Indian state of Manipur.